Thursday, August 24, 2023


The phrase "Jesus loves you" has gotten a bad reputation, it's become a bumper sticker phrase that people say when someone's having a hard time, maybe struggling in their faith, or maybe to that divorced spouse with little kids, or to a woman who just lost her child. Though this phrase has a bad reputation, it still rings true to this day, and how do I know?, all you have to do is read just one book of the Gospels: MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE, or JOHN. I'm currently reading the book of Luke. Most people haven't even heard about the good news in other countries, and often in countries where this message is preached frequently, it is often misunderstood.

So with the possibility of becoming very unpopular, losing your friend, or maybe even losing your career over the simple fact that you are loved, why risk it at all? For a very good reason indeed, for faith, for doing the right thing, but most importantly for your love of Jesus. If you are feeling discouraged and think 'why even bother', or 'what's the point' I recommend taking the time to read about what THE SON OF MAN did for you, what He endured, and would endure again to this day, just so that you can have a hope, and spend eternity with Him. Have you ever thought that  Jesus would still have gone through with His crucifixion if you were the only person on the face of the earth? 

Without a doubt, you can safely and assuredly say that you are loved by a holy God, who sent His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life. Isn't that the best news! It means that we have hope each and every single day. 

But will it be easy? 

No, I can tell you with what little experience that I have it will not. 

Also just take a look at what happened to the apostles, and what they did to Jesus Himself, what gives us the idea that it will go smoother for us? We need to pick up our cross and follow Him. Your cross could be not having slept the night before because of that toddler, or your cancer is back, or your pet just died, or even worse. So if life's going to be hard for you why even bother with Christianity? 

1. It's the truth, Jesus says that He is the way, the truth, and the life. John 14:6

2. It is worth it in the end, Rev. 21:4

3. It gives us hope, where nothing will help you, not even yourself, Jesus shows you the way

4. You are never, ever alone, you could go to the depths of sheol, and you can't out hide God, even in the garden of Eden, when man first sinned, Adam and Eve couldn't hide from God. Psalm 139:7-10

5. God loves you so much, I can't even properly know just how much He loves me. I had this rabbit that I got for my 12th birthday, and he loved me to bits and pieces, we had such a special bond, but even that pales in comparison to God's love. And the same rings true for how much I loved him. A parent's love for a child, or even a husband's love toward his wife, or a wife's love toward her husband will pale in comparison to what we will feel when we get to Heaven. 

I don't know if I'll ever see my rabbit again, but I do know that I will see the face of God, and my Savior, because of my faith in what Jesus did. I don't know what I'll see because No ear has heard, no eye has seen, and I believe this. 

I hope that you enjoy this post.