Thursday, August 10, 2023


 Hi, I hope that everyone is having a good day, filled with the knowledge that no matter how far away you run, no matter where life unfolds and God takes you, He is forever loving you. What does this look like? What does this mean?  

First Corinthians 13 is the chapter in which you can learn more about the meaning of love, starting with verse 4 (not word for word) through the beginning of verse 8: love is patient, kind, not jealous, doesn't brag, isn't arrogant, does not act unbecomingly, does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth, bears all things, endures all things,. Love never fails;-

Now what can we learn about God from this since God is love, we need to ask the question of what is love, and then apply that knowledge into what we are learning about Him, thanks to God's Word we get a biblical picture of what love looks like, because if you asked 100 people you would probably get at least 100 different answers, but we have the answer, and sense the author Himself is telling what love is, and calls Himself love, then we can safe assuredly rest with the knowledge that this is the right source. 

Now we know that God is perfect, with no sin, with no mistakes, with no "oopsies", He is the ultimate source of love. And we can find out what love is by reading 1 Corinthians 13. we can safely say that God is;

Patient- think of the most patient person you can, and God exceeds that by myriads  

Kind- what's the kindest thing anyone's ever done for you, that pales in comparison to God's kindness

Not jealous- I'm stumbling with this one because God's a jealous God,

Doesn't brag- so you don't have to worry about God bragging, although He has a right to since He's Himself

Isn't arrogant- think about that one person that's in your life(or maybe on tv) that is arrogant, and know that God's not like this

Does not act unbecomingly- I've been told that God is the perfect gentleman, and what a delightful picture

Does not seek its own- God sent His Son for our sake, but I will have to ponder deeply on this

Is not provoked-  this does not mean that He does not get angry, you just need to read the book of Jerimiah(which I'm reading through right now), so I also have to ponder this

Does not take into account a wrong suffered- He sent His Son for us, so we have hope. This does not mean that you can do something wrong and than not be punished for it though

Does not rejoice in unrighteousness- God's not up there going "yay" when people steal, no He's sad 

But rejoices with the truth- can you even imagine that moment in time where one of God's lost children come to repentance, comes to know the truth about God, can you even begin to imagine what God's reaction is

Bears all things- this is obviously seen when Jesus was on the cross and took upon all of the world's past, present, and future sins

Endures all things- the fact that He's still on His throne after all of the mistakes you've done, after all the mistakes that I've done is a good example of this one

And last, but most certainly not least, Love never fails- God's still there on his throne, you can trust him, He's right there for you, He'll NEVER EVER EVR fail you. Even when your spouse, friend, sister, brother, mother, dad fails you, God won't.

I hope  that you enjoyed this post,